Happy Birthday Elvis: The King’s 78th!


Today Mr. Elvis Presley would have been 78 years old! Hard to believe considering he, much like Marilyn Monroe, never seemed to waver in popularity. I’d dare say he is the most celebrated American Musician of the 20th century, and rightfully so.  Continue reading

Happy New Year, Dolls!




Well, it is officially New Years Eve, it also happens to be my 31st birthday today! I’m not sure how it happened but alas, here we are! lol Continue reading

All Hail The Chic! Jackie O, Fashionista Fatale!

In honor of election day, I thought I’d take a moment to shine the spotlight on our most glamorous first lady of all time, Miss Jackie Kennedy! Continue reading

Snood, Glorious Snood!

Snoods are truly a wonderful little slice of vintage heaven! While they were most popular during the 1940’s circa WWII, these gems have been around for ages, (no seriously, since like the middle ages!). What exactly is a snood? It is defined as an ornamental hairnet or fabric bag worn over the hair at the back of a woman’s head. They come in a variety of colours and materials and can be used both casually and for more formal occasions. I have had a love affair with the snood for many years now and whenever I see one in a colour I don’t have, I snatch it up and add it to my collection! They are a lovely, affordable way to add vintage flourish to any look!  Continue reading

L’Ensemble Du Jour: The Woodstock Generation

43 years ago today, one of the most important events in the history of music took place right here in New York State. Woodstock was THE concert event of the 20th century, and those who were lucky enough to be there for those three magical days on Yasgur’s Farm surely remember it (unless of course they took the brown acid, lol)! Continue reading

Happy Birthday, Lucy!

I love Lucy, no really, I do. Lucille Ball is truly one of my idols. She single-handedly showed the world just how funny a woman can be after launching what went on to become one of the greatest television comedies of all time. Her impeccable timing combined with her array of facial expressions inspired a slew of female comedians in her wake . Continue reading

Marilyn Monroe: 50th Anniversary of her Death

It’s hard to believe that Marilyn has been gone for over 5 decades, but that’s probably because she never really left us. At the tender age of 36, Marilyn lost her life and in doing so, she became an indisputable icon and one of the most celebrated actresses of all time.  Continue reading

Katy Keene: America’s Queen of Pin-Ups and Fashions

Exactly who is Katy Keene?

That’s what I wondered aloud to myself the first time I saw her comic books next to my usual Archie titles in the newsstand at LaGuardia Airport. I was 7 or 8 years old getting prepped for a family flight down to Florida. She reminded me of Veronica but much more flamboyant and fashionable. I asked my mom and she purchased the book for my in flight entertainment. Sure enough, by the time we landed in sunny Florida I had read that first digest cover to cover and I was hooked. This girl was awesome! Smart, beautiful, kind and spunky! Little did I know she had been around long before I discovered her in the 1980’s. Continue reading

Drugstore Delight of The Month: Elizabeth Taylor Eyes By Loreal

Elizabeth Taylor was one of the most beautiful women of the 20th century. Most notably, for her amazingly rare eyes. They were said to be amethyst in color and Ms. Taylor always played up her most breathtaking feature with the help of a deep jet black eye liner. Continue reading