All Hail The Chic! Jackie O, Fashionista Fatale!

In honor of election day, I thought I’d take a moment to shine the spotlight on our most glamorous first lady of all time, Miss Jackie Kennedy! Continue reading

L’Ensemble Du Jour: The Woodstock Generation

43 years ago today, one of the most important events in the history of music took place right here in New York State. Woodstock was THE concert event of the 20th century, and those who were lucky enough to be there for those three magical days on Yasgur’s Farm surely remember it (unless of course they took the brown acid, lol)! Continue reading

L’Ensemble Du Jour: Mod Squad

Every now and then while thrifting or digging through a pile of clothes at a local fleamarket, you will find a truly unexpected gem. For me, it happened over memorial day weekend when it was super hot and humid and I was just about to leave. I happened to spy this beautiful sweater dress sticking out from underneath a bunch of random clothing. Immediately intrigued, I pulled her out from the abyss to have a closer look. I asked the price, 3 whole dollars, and upon viewing the label, I knew I had just made a super score. It was a Milly dress! Milly is one of my favorite brands because not only do her designs eloquently mimic lust-worthy vintage looks but the quality and cut of her garments are superb.  Continue reading