Happy Birthday Elvis: The King’s 78th!


Today Mr. Elvis Presley would have been 78 years old! Hard to believe considering he, much like Marilyn Monroe, never seemed to waver in popularity. I’d dare say he is the most celebrated American Musician of the 20th century, and rightfully so.  Continue reading

Happy New Year, Dolls!




Well, it is officially New Years Eve, it also happens to be my 31st birthday today! I’m not sure how it happened but alas, here we are! lol Continue reading

Silver Belles

Circa 1950's American actress Esther Williams with balloons at Christmas time.

With less than 2 days until Christmas, I’m sure you Dolls are stressed out with last-minute gift shopping and other holiday preparations. It’s hard to believe it’s really that time of year again! It feels like only yesterday it was summer (Man, I miss my flip-flops!) Continue reading