Happy New Year, Dolls!




Well, it is officially New Years Eve, it also happens to be my 31st birthday today! I’m not sure how it happened but alas, here we are! lol Continue reading

It’s Personal 9/27/12: Technical Difficulties?

Okay, I realize I have not posted in a week (for this Dolls, I must apologize!) but I was having some technological sort of drama here on the home front!  

Long story short, the ol’ desktop was outta commission with what I thought was a gnarly virus.  In the end, it turns out my fat orange cat has been sleeping on my keyboard and he managed to make my F1 key stick (and I mean STICK!). If you are familiar with Windows, you know that the F1 key controls the help/support button. This would explain why my “virus” opened 87 help windows that I could not seem to close! Thankfully I finally noticed that the damn key was stuck and now my computer is back in action!

Ah, the life of an untechnological cat lady, LOL!

The moral of this story is don’t let fat orange cats nap out on your keyboard when you’re not looking 😉

Stay tuned for more fun fashionable posts!



It’s Personal: 8/27/12, A New Chapter…

It’s been a while now since I have posted anything and I must apologize for the delay. I recently decided I needed a major change in my life and one of the first things on my list was the name of my blog. Why? What was wrong with “Fashion Attack Vintage”? Nothing, from an outside perspective. But inside, the name itself was a small piece of a much larger personal puzzle.

Since I began blogging back in the early spring, I have met some amazing people who have been brave enough to publicly expose things about themselves that made them feel uncomfortable, self-conscious, insecure and vulnerable on their own blogs. From eating disorders to physical handicaps, these individuals made it a point to tell the world about their personal struggles, and I admire them greatly.

It’s been said that “The truth shall set you free”, and perhaps there is some validity to this age-old saying. Once you can openly talk about the things that burden you emotionally, you have taken control of the situation. Well, the truth is I have an anxiety disorder.

What does all of this have to do with the name of my blog? Well, once when I was having particularly bad panic attack, I told myself I was having a fashion attack in an effort to downplay the severity of my symptoms. It did make me feel a little better at the time and that phrase stuck in my head after that. But the truth is I don’t want my blog to be named after something that has had such a negative connotation in my life. Starting this blog was something that was a long time in the making. It became a positive medium for me to be creative and put myself out there. It gave me an opportunity to write about and document things that I am passionate about. From this day forward, I am looking only towards the future and I am ready to finally beat this thing and leave the past where it belongs, in the past.

The Delancey Dame is actually something a friend of mine referred to me as a while back and I always thought it had a nice ring to it. I am a real New Yorker and The Lower East Side is very much a part of who I am. My family immigrated and settled down here in the L.E.S. over 80 years ago. It’s where my grandmother grew up; it’s where my father grew up. It’s where I was born and raised and I still live to this day.  Once upon a time, Delancey Street was like the 5th Avenue of my neighborhood. It used to be a major shopping destination and people flocked down here from all corners of the city to get good bargains on everything from dresses to hosiery. While it ain’t what it used to be thanks to a massive gentrification and a bourgeois revamping, it’s still my home.

So there it is. My deepest darkest secret is out in the open. Do I feel better? Not just yet. But I am positive that I will sooner than later as I start this new chapter in my life.

I hope you Guys & Dolls enjoy the “new” blog as much as I did designing it!




It’s Personal: 8-2-12

Hey there Dolls!

I realize I have not put up any new content since Saturday but it has been a busy week here for me in NYC. Today, I am taking a much needed mini-vaca and am heading out of town for the first time all summer! Woo Hoo!

Don’t fret Darlings, next week I will be back in action with lots of new posts and fun little ditties for y’all to enjoy 😉