All Hail The Chic! Jackie O, Fashionista Fatale!

In honor of election day, I thought I’d take a moment to shine the spotlight on our most glamorous first lady of all time, Miss Jackie Kennedy!

Jackie O is one of THE most revered style icons of the 20th century (she is definitely one of mine!). Her look is one that defines the word classic. The woman exuded class and elegance while making it seem effortless. From head to toe, she was always polished and regally chic. While her husband, John F Kennedy was the first president to go hatless, Jackie was responsible for making the pillbox a must have staple in the 1960’s. From sheath dresses to pearl necklaces to tweed suits, Jackie’s wardrobe was something of sheer beauty. Every piece she wore was so timeless, one could easily don it in today’s modern fashion world without anyone blinking an eye. Her contribution to American fashion is immeasurable and for that, we salute her! Check out her amazing personal style during her run as the first lady!

Make sure you guys and gals get out there today and vote! And the next time you find yourself in a fashion conundrum, just ask yourself these four simple words “What would Jackie do?”

Until next time, Dolls!


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